“When will you begin that journey into yourself?”
Coaching Paths
Spirit Life Coaching
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Teilhard de Chardin.
Within each of us, there is a knowing of what is right for us, a compass of sort. When spirit is guiding you, there are no wrong turns. Let your spirit guide you in connecting with your authentic self, finding your life purpose and identifying your true beliefs/values and creating the life that you desire. Life is meant to be lived passionately. Let’s find your passion and help you connect to your inner-self!
Infertility & Adoption: “The Waiting Game”
From first hand experience, I know how unsettling and even agonizing waiting for your baby to arrive can be. There are many doubts, hopes and fears. Its easy to become fixated on whether or not you will have a chance to welcome a baby into your home and this may keep you from enjoying life in the present moment.
Together we can create a plan that not only keeps you moving forward on your life path, but also assists you with finding gratitude and peace in the present moment.
Grief & Bereavement
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
- Kenji Miyazawa
Throughout life we will experience grief. You may grieve the loss of a job, a divorce or the passing of a loved one. We all grieve differently and can honour ourselves by allowing the grief to surface. Once we do this, we can make room for positive thoughts and feelings.
Grief is not a linear process and often it becomes very messy. I want you to know that you need to experience your emotions in whatever form and order they present themselves. Your grief process is as unique as you are. Give yourself permission to grieve the way you need to. Allow yourself the time you need to feel all of the feelings that arise with grief, and before you know it, you will begin to see some light emerging once again into your world.
I will help you navigate the difficult, often confusing journey through grief while simultaneously working with you to put one foot in front of the other so you can embrace life after loss.
“We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.”
- Joyce Meyer
Relationships are a beautiful and integral part of life. Together we can build your relationship with yourself and with others. I will help you determine your definition and will assist you in acquiring skills that will empower you in both relationships that you have chosen and ones that circumstance has put you in. By empowering and understanding yourself, you will be better able to function in a healthy way that is in alignment with your beliefs and values.
I specialize in Personal Relationship Coaching,. Professional Relationship Coaching (employee/employer relationships, conflict resolution, workplace boundaries workplace harassment, bullying and a myriad of other circumstances) and face-to-face and cyberbullying for all ages.
Mind-Body Coaching
Combines BodyTalk principles with Mindscape methods and coaching strategies to get you back on the path of healing. Deb facilitates communication with the innate wisdom of the body. Balancing the energies of the body-mind-spirit she assists in clearing energy blocks and teaches the body to return to and maintain a healthy state of balance. Mind-Body Coaching addresses the whole person and uses the entire context of their life to improve their health.
Talking to Louise helped me tremendously with trusting my instincts and letting go of my worries. She helped me understand the power of knowing, honouring and having faith in myself and life and letting things unfold naturally. I am truly grateful that I can turn to her when I need a sounding board. Her honesty, attentiveness and care is what you look for in any great coach.
— Faith